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Implementing an Outsourced Recruiting Function


Just as any important function of the business and operations, building and establishing a solid foundation is critical. This is even more important when you outsource part or the entirety of a function. While some key parts were probably discussed during discovery meetings and proposal negotiations, moving through the process to implement an outsourced recruiting function can be successful with strong communication and a plan to follow.

1. Analysis – Spanning over the discovery meetings, proposal process, contract negotiations, and potentially into some of the introductory conversations this step focuses on identifying the needs of the company, goals of outsourcing the recruiting function, and services to be provided.

2. Process Planning – Any outsourcing provider will have a standard process they follow for the contracted services selected, however their interest and willingness to be flexible to meet your specific needs is critical. During this step it is important to identify key internal team members who will be responsible for communication and coordination with the recruiting outsourced function. Also, it is during this phase that we outline the logical flow of the candidate lifecycle and identify responsible, accountable, consulted and informed members on both teams from the start of a position to presenting an offer to the ideal candidate.

3. Systems Set-up – Once the process has been outlined, along with identifying team members who will take action for each step, it may be important to set up the various systems and tools to help implement this process. A few key areas focus around technology including an Applicant Tracking System, as some HRIS systems that may be already in place have an attached module, or making the decision to use the outsourced partner’s system. Another key area to set up is the potential for updated or reassigned e-mail address to provide access to the recruiting partner if there is interest to operate through the company’s e-mail system.

4. Positions Set-up – Setting up and getting started on the open requisitions and positions may be done concurrently with the process planning and systems set-up. During this phase, digging into the need of a hiring manager beyond the job description is critical. Understanding what team member personality traits fit best, cultural elements that the company values, and what does success look like to the hiring manager will help determine the right screening questions to include and profile fit to target in each search.

5. Check-in – Not just for a routine check to make sure the process is working, but scheduling formal and holding impromptu calls can be vital to the success of implementing a fully outsourced recruiting model. Routine check-ins allow for feedback from candidate submittals or interviews, course correction on profile fits, changes to requirements that may come from government clients, and tracking against budget or other key metrics.

6. Process Update – All of the information collected from the scheduled and ad-hoc check-ins should be documented by your recruiting partner for current and future use. While these process updates may be small changes that include new screening questionnaires or a slight tweak in keyword searches while building candidate pipelines, it can also include more robust changes. Incorporating new team members that have become decision makers in a process, pulling in direct hiring managers or incorporating a new phone interview step to qualify candidates further could be considered. Your selected outsourced partner should show a high level of flexibility and adaptability during any large and small changes needed to ensure successful hires and a successful partnership.

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