If this year has taught us anything, it would be to always be prepared for change. Recruiting and the actual act of hiring your next team member is no different – the function has been in a state of constant change. The introduction of technology, shifting unemployment rates, and new regulatory hurdles are only a few of the changes that bring challenges when recruiting. However, what happens when the operating budget doesn’t allow for a team of talent acquisition specialists, the technology infrastructure, and the various resources to find candidate profiles? Beyond that question, what actually is the right size of a recruiting function for the business’s needs? Is there a way to save on expenses while still being able to grow the team through recruiting?

Comparison and the ‘grass is greener’ concept can be hard to overcome when looking at recruiting strategies, as it is inspiring to hear stories that come out from some of the leading tech giants in the new tools or technologies they are using in their recruiting process. However, it is important to remember a best practice isn’t a best practice if it doesn’t work in your company. Finding the right mix of insourced and outsourced recruiting is essential in a changing environment. For example, in government contracting its quickly affected by proposal efforts, contract wins, surge hiring, and even regular organizational staff growth. Much if not handled quickly results in a loss of revenue.
When recruiting is in-house there can be a high level of control over the process, keeping company standards, and furthering your company culture or recruiting brand. Some of the general benefits of outsourced recruiting can be lower labor costs as you don’t have to hire internally for additional HR/recruiting support, specialized experience, cost of tools and time savings. Being able to combine these two is essential to find a way to reap the pros of each side of this recruiting coin.
When thinking about finding an outsourced recruiting partner it is best to interview them, talk through company needs, review their approach, and ensure priorities and strategy are aligned. Picking the right partner should also feel more strategic than transactional, bringing ideas to the table to improve your recruitment process. This partner should also be asking questions to understand your culture and the personality traits that fit with your team. Ask yourself, what will the recruiting partner do to flex and adjust to the company needs, especially during surge hiring or proposal efforts? Outline the level of communication expected and what is the partner’s standard process for updates. Building a strong relationship with your recruiting partner is essential to finding the right fit and being able to reap some of the same benefits of keeping recruiting in-house.